The idea of House2House was conceived in 2000 when three businessmen got together and decided to produce a print magazine called House2House that would be a resource for the then emerging house church movement. It grew rapidly--at its height we produced 50,000 copies of one issue that went all around the world. A true periodical, we only produced a new magazine when money became available. As time went on, it seemed hard to justify the expense of a print version and so H2H became a very interactive website. Eventually, the interest dwindled, and, mostly for financial reasons, in 2010, we decided to close the website down.
The website may have stopped but house churches have continued.
Enter Covid19. This is being written as we are in the middle of the crisis, and everything has been closed down, including church buildings. Many people are having church online. Although things will slowly begin to return to normal, the likelihood is that churches will not be able to reopen as they were for months, if not years. It therefore seemed expedient to make available the best of the resources that House2House has produced over the years, again to be a resource for those who are meeting in homes or online. The dynamics of a small group are very different to those of a large meeting with its professional musicians and pastors. Obviously, the majority of the materials were produced in pre-Covid days, but are easily adaptable to the current situation.
Everything on the website is free. If it is of use to you, please enjoy. We would also love to hear from you--stories of how you are meeting during the current crisis--that can encourage and equip others who may be struggling.
The Rabbit and the Elephant
Small things multiply more quickly than large—compare the rate of multiplication of a virus like Covid19 to that of any mammal! Check out this humorous video with Wolfgang Simson.
Leadership in the Kingdom
Jesus view of leadership, and the way he lived and taught it, was very different to what we see in the world, and, sadly, in much of the church, today. Here’s a powerful visual demonstration.