Resources to help disciples, leaders,and churches in this present moment.
House/Simple/Organic Church
The terms home/simple or organic church are used interchangeably to describe a group of followers of Jesus who get together from time to time in a home, office building or restaurant or, in the current context, even online—anywhere where life happens. It’s far more than taking what we’ve known our whole lives in a building and duplicating it in a house and calling it church. House church is not about moving from the pew to the sofa. It’s about being the church, a relational community or family of God’s people on mission to reach the world.
Luke 10
All over the world, God is using the principles of Luke 10 to establish church planting movements—rapidly multiplying movements of churches planting churches ushering millions of people into the Kingdom. It’s an exciting phenomenon that is having a profound impact in many nations.
Paradigm Shifts
There are a number of paradigm shifts in our thinking that will make all the difference as we embark on this simple church journey. Here are a few:
Church genuinely is “where two or three are gathered together in his name.” It’s not about buildings or meetings. We are church when we gather together in his name.
Simple is reproducible; complex is not.
Churches are meant to multiply
The priesthood of all believers.
Stories from the Field
It is said that “The longest distance in the world is from the head to the heart.” Stories turn this upside down. It is only a short distance from the heart to the head and stories touch our hearts in ways that mere facts cannot.
Leadership in the Kingdom is totally different to leadership in the world. Jesus demonstrated it by washing his disciples’ feet.